Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies. Without minerals, our bodies would become poisoned quite quickly. Minerals allow our bodies to communicate and function properly, ridding the body of toxic buildup. Many experts say that mineral deficiency is the root of all disease and that 90% of Americans suffer from a mineral deficiency.
This could be the direct karma of using so many pesticides on our crops. Our soil used to be rich with trace minerals, providing an abundance of minerals through our vegetables and fruits. But now with the overuse of pesticides, our soil has become depleted of minerals. This is something that is still not taught in Med schools, so most doctors will tell you that if you are eating a healthy diet you don't need to supplement. But this simply is not true. From the experts: 90% of Americans are mineral deficient!
While looking for a pest control for my garden I ran across diatomaceous earth. After reading about all the health benefits of taking a tablespoon a day with lots of water, I decided to give it a try. A DE detox. As the story would go, I immediately, within a few days, noticed my nails started growing like crazy. Then after a few more days of using it 1-2 times a day with water, I watched as my skin became clear and youthful looking again. On the flip side, I was also becoming very sick! I started to feel nauseous all the time with a headache and pain, almost like the flu. In fact, I thought for a moment I had the flu. But I never get the flu, so that threw me off. Then I looked up the side effects and realized what was happening. My body was detoxing the bad bacteria from my body and I was experiencing die-off. Come to find out, die-off is a good sign! That means the DE is doing it's job. If you drink lot's of water and continue to use DE in smaller amounts, gradually you will not be effected by it and you will know, once the die-off dies off, that you have balanced your gut flora, for the time being.
Diatomaceous Earth is an off-white, fine powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. It is 99% pure Silica. Silica helps the body use Calcium. It also repairs vital collagen which, in turn, contributes to healthy bones, ligaments, joints, cartilage and skin. Food-grade DE also contains 15 trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorous, selenium, copper, zinc and potassium. DE is safe to take on a daily basis. Again, if you are taking meds, always check with your doctor first. But for the average healthy person, taking DE daily has numerous benefits! I notice right away my skin looks more youthful. I also get boosts of energy from taking DE. Rule of thumb is to start out with 1-2 teaspoons a day for a week or two, then move up to 1 tablespoon/twice a day. There are no rules with DE, just be sure not to accidentally inhale it or get it in your eyes. It's best to use a plastic spoon when mixing it in water or smoothie. As far as how to take it and how often, that is a personal decision and whatever is comfortable for you. DE works by traveling through the stomach and intestines, literally scraping the walls and then dehydrating and killing any parasites, bacterial and fungal infections. To get an idea of how hard the edges of the silica crystals are, on a hardness scale diamonds are ranked at a 9. DE is ranked at a 7. By scraping and ridding the body of these energy zombies from your gut, you will feel more awake and coherent. Daily use contributes to the following.
To See All The Different Uses For Diatomaceous Earth https://www.diatomaceousearth.com/learning-center/ Source- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9533930
Would you like to wake up in the morning and give yourself a little boost for the rest of the day? Eating fruit first thing in the morning has many, many benefits! Leave the pancakes behind. Studies have found that consuming a heavy breakfast inhibits fat oxidation throughout the day – these heavy meals often include animal products like eggs and bacon or sausages. A protein-heavy breakfast like eggs, bacon and toast will sit like a brick in your stomach and give you feelings of fatigue for the rest of the day. Switch your animal protein-based breakfasts for fruit, and you’ll notice immediate health improvements after just one week.
Eating fruit in the morning can do these things: -Enhances detoxification -Stimulates digestive track -Wakes up the body! -Aides in weight loss -Boosts the immune system -Creates an alkaline environment in the body -Helps you feel full & satisfied -Strengthens the heart -Decreases belly bloating The vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants in fruit will work wonders for you in the morning, on an empty stomach. The fiber in fruit pushes out old waste matter in the digestive track. A really great morning fruit that acts like a diuretic is watermelon! The water-based fruit helps flush out excess sodium through urinating. The more sodium you flush out, the less water weight your body will hold. When the immunse system is boosted and you flush out these old toxins from the day before, your energy levels will increase. Melons drizzled with lime juice are a real energy booster! Eat.Morning.Fruit. To your health! Easily Make Delicious, Immune-Boosting Elderberry Syrup at Home
Elderberries are an immune-boosting powerhouse! They've been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years to heal people of illness and to keep people healthy. In fact, black elderberries can be traced all the way back to Ancient Egypt, where elderberries were the main ingredient in several medicines. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, called this plant his “medicine chest” for all the ailments and illnesses it helped cure.
This elderberry syrup is extra potent, as I use 2 cups of elderberries, instead of the usual 2/3 cup or 1 cup. I also smash the berries for quite some time to get all the nutrients from these wonderful berries! Below are the benefits of this nutritious plant!
Elderberries: -Boost the immune system -Protects against bacteria & infection -Slows down the spread of cancer -Moderates the digestive process -Prevents the development of diabetes -Reduces the pain & speed of autoimmune diseases -Helps with weight loss -Lowers blood pressure -Alleviates allergies -Contain vitamins A, B, & C -Provide iron, potassium, phosphorus & copper -Provide fiber & protein -Are anti-inflammatory -Contain antioxidants -Aides digestion -Increases gastrointestinal health
The other main ingredient of elderberry syrup is raw, unfiltered organic honey. And made into elderberry syrup it is pure, yummy, deliciousness! The raw honey is LOADED with nutrients. There are over 80 different vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants found in raw, unfiltered honey! The entire B-Complex can be found in honey, along with vitamins A, C, D, E and K. The mineral content includes magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, iodine and manganese. Raw, unfiltered honey is also an alkaline food, having one of the highest live enzyme contents of all foods! To top it off, the honey is also antimicrobial and antibacterial! As you can see, all of these nutrients, in combination with the nutrients from the elderberries make for a super, immune-boosting syrup! Which is why it is so powerful at kicking the flu, and other illness, to the curb, where it belongs! My recipe makes just a little over a quart. And it will stay good for up to 3 months in the fridge.
Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe 1 cup raw, unfiltered organic honey 2 cups whole organic black elderberries 1 tablespoon organic clove powder 1 tablespoon organic ginger root powder 2 cinnamon sticks or 1 tablespoon of organic cinnamon powder 4 cups water (this recipe ^ makes just over a quart of syrup-to make 2 quarts, add 2 more cups of water, and one more cup of honey to the recipe above) Instructions: Simmer the elderberries and seasonings in the water for 30-45 minutes. Let it cool and then mash the berries with a spoon, through a strainer and into a glass bowl. Add the honey and stir. Store in the fridge. I mash the berries for 10 minutes, just to be sure I get all the goodness out of them. Quart sized mason jars are perfect for storing the syrup. Need to make Vegan elderberry syrup? Just substitute the honey with 100% pure, organic maple syrup. And How Will Elderberry Syrup Fight Off The Flu?... Elderberries have antioxidants called flavonoids (vitamin P) which are extracted and contained in the syrup. These flavonoids stimulate the immune system and have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antihistamine properties. Elderberries also have compounds called anthocyanins that have anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory compounds found in elderberries are believed to be what soothes aches, pains and fevers associated with the flu. Ingredients are available through my affiliate links below or locate and call a local, natural grocer to see if they carry black elderberries! (please note, if you have any allergies or reactions to honey, any of the seasonings or the berries, for that matter, please do not use this recipe) Resource: http://www.blackelderberry.info/clinical-summary/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4848651/ Need Ingredients?
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February 2023
February 2023
AuthorKelly Cuip is a registered nutritionist, author, researcher, blogger and mother. |