Bring on the cabbage!
Cabbage soup may be one of the best foods to keep you healthy through the long winter months. I make a powerhouse cabbage soup, loaded with nutrients from every ingredient. This soup is healing and will get right to work on healing your gut and your health!
Cabbage is a wonder food that will help detox your body in more than one way. Because it is rich in sulfur, it helps aid the liver in breaking down toxins. Then it's diuretic properties help rid the body of excess water, flushing the broken down toxins out of your system! Cabbage also has an abundance of nutrients including vitamin C, K, B1, B3 (niacin), B6, protein, fiber, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium and iron. All of these nutrients are released into the broth as the soup is simmering, so drinking the broth is very important.
Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies. Without minerals, our bodies would become poisoned quite quickly. Minerals allow our bodies to communicate and function properly, ridding the body of toxic buildup. Many experts say that mineral deficiency is the root of all disease and that 90% of Americans suffer from a mineral deficiency.
This could be the direct karma of using so many pesticides on our crops. Our soil used to be rich with trace minerals, providing an abundance of minerals through our vegetables and fruits. But now with the overuse of pesticides, our soil has become depleted of minerals. This is something that is still not taught in Med schools, so most doctors will tell you that if you are eating a healthy diet you don't need to supplement. But this simply is not true. From the experts: 90% of Americans are mineral deficient!
Bentonite Clay comes from the Earth's volcano's. It is formed when volcanic ash has weathered and aged with water present. It holds a very strong negative electromagnetic charge. This charge becomes activated once water is added to the clay and, in turn, whether we ingest it or use topically, the clay acts like a magnet and pulls metals and toxins to it. (If you choose to use it as a drink, use a teaspoon of powder in a slightly warm glass of water, followed by two more glasses of water.) The clay will work it's way through your digestive track, attracting all the positively charged toxins, heavy metals, GMO toxins, fluoride, candida yeasts, parasites, gangrene, bacterial infections and even radiation poison! This is then excreted from the body. Because clay is not absorbed into the bloodstream and doesn't stay in the system, it is considered non-toxic. Drinking plenty of water is key! You want to clay to keep moving and not get stuck. A detox method to use would be 4 weeks of 1 tsp bentonite clay with plenty of water, every day. Take a week break, then back on for 4 weeks of 2 tsp bentonite clay with plenty of water, every day. This powerful detox method can be used with bentonite clay or diatomaceous earth.
Not only is Bentonite clay a great way to detox heavy metals and toxins from the body, but there's a high amount of calcium, magnesium, silica, iron and potassium. Clay, literally, absorbs toxins and pathogens, while depositing minerals into your body. There is concern of the small trace amounts of lead found in clay, but this lead is never released into the body, it is excreted alongside the other heavy metals found in the body. Benefits Of Bentonite Clay *Removes heavy metals, pathogens, toxins, fluoride, viruses, candida yeasts, bacterial infections, gangrene, GMO toxins and even radiation *Promotes healthy gut flora *Heals and revitalizes damaged cells & tissues *By reducing stomach acidity, it balances the body's pH levels *Promotes healthy hair, skin, nails, teeth, bones and joints *Naturally boosts energy *Adds oxygen to your cells by pulling excess hydrogen, allowing oxygen to take it's place *Boosts probiotics in the gut *Relieves constipation *Boosts immunity *Purifies water when combined with magnesium by removing fluoride With all of the benefits that this detox brings, coupled with the essential minerals we need to sustain our body's, this detox ranks high on my list for best internal cleansing! Sources: 1. 2.
While looking for a pest control for my garden I ran across diatomaceous earth. After reading about all the health benefits of taking a tablespoon a day with lots of water, I decided to give it a try. A DE detox. As the story would go, I immediately, within a few days, noticed my nails started growing like crazy. Then after a few more days of using it 1-2 times a day with water, I watched as my skin became clear and youthful looking again. On the flip side, I was also becoming very sick! I started to feel nauseous all the time with a headache and pain, almost like the flu. In fact, I thought for a moment I had the flu. But I never get the flu, so that threw me off. Then I looked up the side effects and realized what was happening. My body was detoxing the bad bacteria from my body and I was experiencing die-off. Come to find out, die-off is a good sign! That means the DE is doing it's job. If you drink lot's of water and continue to use DE in smaller amounts, gradually you will not be effected by it and you will know, once the die-off dies off, that you have balanced your gut flora, for the time being.
Diatomaceous Earth is an off-white, fine powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. It is 99% pure Silica. Silica helps the body use Calcium. It also repairs vital collagen which, in turn, contributes to healthy bones, ligaments, joints, cartilage and skin. Food-grade DE also contains 15 trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorous, selenium, copper, zinc and potassium. DE is safe to take on a daily basis. Again, if you are taking meds, always check with your doctor first. But for the average healthy person, taking DE daily has numerous benefits! I notice right away my skin looks more youthful. I also get boosts of energy from taking DE. Rule of thumb is to start out with 1-2 teaspoons a day for a week or two, then move up to 1 tablespoon/twice a day. There are no rules with DE, just be sure not to accidentally inhale it or get it in your eyes. It's best to use a plastic spoon when mixing it in water or smoothie. As far as how to take it and how often, that is a personal decision and whatever is comfortable for you. DE works by traveling through the stomach and intestines, literally scraping the walls and then dehydrating and killing any parasites, bacterial and fungal infections. To get an idea of how hard the edges of the silica crystals are, on a hardness scale diamonds are ranked at a 9. DE is ranked at a 7. By scraping and ridding the body of these energy zombies from your gut, you will feel more awake and coherent. Daily use contributes to the following.
To See All The Different Uses For Diatomaceous Earth Source-
Have you ever heard someone say that they eat healthy and can't tell a difference in their energy level and health? No matter how healthy you eat, if you have low stomach acid, your body won't absorb the nutrients from the foods you eat. Stomach acid (hydrochloric acid, HCI) plays a much bigger role in our health than most people may realize. The stomach acid activates pepsin, the enzyme that breaks down protein, converting it to essential amino acids and nutrients. This stimulates the pancreas to make the bile and digestive enzymes needed to further break down the protein as well as carbohydrates and fats. HCI also kills pathogenic bacteria present in food, thus helping prevent illness and disease. When the body cannot break down the food properly and absorb nutrients, it will start to rob your tissues, joints and bones of protein and nutrients it needs, thus creating arthritis and other health issues.
One of the best ways to know if you're low on stomach acid is to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. If it makes you feel a little woozy or nauseas you most likely have low stomach acid. Another test is to mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. If after 15 minutes you haven't belched, then you are most likely low on stomach acid. Now, too much stomach acid creates acid reflux. So what you want to do is neutralize the stomach acid so that it can properly digest and absorb nutrients. Our stomach acid decreases with age. But there are natural ways to neutralize stomach acid. Here are 7 key ways to naturally neutralize stomach acid for digestion: 1. Apple Cider Vinegar Drinking 1 tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water 15-30 minutes before eating a meal will increase the stomach acid and activate pepsin. 2. Ginger Tea or Ginger Root Ginger neutralizes digestive juices. 3. Water Staying hydrated helps flush out toxic build up that blocks absorption. (Try not to drink water or any liquid 15 minutes before eating to 30 minutes after your meal as to not dilute stomach acid, so it can do it's job) 4. Fermented foods are loaded with digestive enzymes, probiotics and organic acids. Eating fermented vegetables with high protein meals is a great way to make sure you are properly breaking down and absorbing the protein. 5. Natural Iodine Therapy Iodine deficiency can lead to low stomach acid, as the stomach cells use iodine to produce hydrochloric acid. 6. Lemons or Lemon Water Lemons are alkaline-forming, like Apple Cider Vinegar, and help neutralize acidity in the stomach. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass of water and drink it 10 minutes before your eat to help with digestion. 7. Aloe Vera Juice Aloe vera juice helps digestion by normalizing stomach acid and restoring pH balance. It also flushes yeast, toxins and parasites from the gut, creating an alkaline environment. These simple adjustments could improve your digestion, allowing for your body to absorb the nutrients from your food and, thus, providing you with more energy throughout the day. Resources: 1. Champagne ET. Low gastric hydrochloric acid secretion and mineral bioavailability. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1989;249:173-84. PMID: 2543192 2. Stomach Acid Imbalance: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Natural Treatments and Medicine
If you don't have apple cider vinegar in your kitchen cabinet (or bathroom cabinet) (or cleaning caddy) you will want to make sure you pick some up at the store next time you go. Apple cider vinegar has worked it's magic in our house, from healing sore throats, sinus congestion, irritated skin to stomach bugs, I have seen and experienced the wonders of this lovely vinegar! I have also seen it heal our dogs irritated skin and digestive track of parasites when added to his water. You can also add ACV to a spray bottle mixed with water to use as a natural cleansing agent on your kitchen countertops and bathrooms. Oh, and you want to know the best part? It's inexpensive.
When taking ACV orally, I advise no more than 1-2 tablespoons a day. And of course drinking it with water or hot tea and honey. Doing so first thing in the morning is a good ritual to start. For sinus congestion, I take a tablespoon of ACV and add 2 tspns of fresh, powdered cayenne pepper, mix it well together and take as a shot. I then wait a few minutes and follow with a glass of water. It's not an easy health shot to take, but if you are congested and in pain, this will most definitely help you!
February 2023
February 2023
AuthorKelly Cuip is a registered nutritionist, author, researcher, blogger and mother. |